Monday, July 30, 2018

The Introspection and its Insignificance Part 1

The Introspection

Who is this Elnaz that writes the posts you might wonder, Elnaz to me is a vision, the dream of an ideal me. We all wish to be someone else, someone who is so much better than us in every way, Elnaz is that for me, the one who set the standards, the one who set the bar so high that I will forever try in vain to be that, but I will try nonetheless.

I am more approximated by the words "The Pretentious Nobody" those words describe me perfectly, It would be paradoxical in the sense that the posts are written by Elnaz under the title The Pretentious Nobody. Unfortunately I had to change it as I found another blog with the same name. It hurts because I thought I had nailed the perfect name, a name with a beautiful balance between contrast and irony with the right amount of mystery to provoke interest, but as the saying goes.

"That which does not kill us, makes us stronger"

So here I am back with another name, probably the most 'metal' name out there "Maiden Priest", if you haven't already guessed it, the name is after the legendary British metal bands Iron Maiden and Judas Priest.

A venture like this lets you know how much people actually care about you and that leads me to the next title

The Insignificance

Every time I write, I am fully aware that I am the only one that is going to read this. What I write is a shout on a mountain top or a whisper in the noise.

So what drives me ?

A work of art is most potent and honest when it does not cater to an audience, this blog may go down to the depths of obscurity but this will continue to remain the one that brings out the soul in the music we hear. Every album that is reviewed and will be reviewed are the ones that struck me on an emotional level and all I try is to explain you why.

I am serious with this as I am serious with everything that I do under the pseudonym Elnaz.

One day when the blog has around fifty posts I may write a part 2 of this or one day when I am old I may read this and smile.

Not everything is done with a reward in mind. Somethings are done just for the love of it.

Yours in enigma,




  1. The explanation you gave about your driving force is beautiful!

    'Not everything is done with a reward in mind. Somethings are done just for the love of it.'

    1. Thanks for reading
      Your comments are always appreciated
      stay blessed :)

  2. No background change this time??

    1. No, its not an album review
      I am hoping to write a new one in a few days, so expect some sad music and a beautiful background.
      Thanks for reading :)

  3. when i can expect your next album

    1. The next album review will be posted soon. Its a difficult album, one of the most emotionally heavy albums I've heard, so I don't want to rush things.
      Thanks for reading :)

  4. Very nicely written. Simple language with deep meaning.

    1. Thanks a lot for reading and commenting :)
      Your readership is always appreciated.
      Forgive me for replying so late.
